Sale price Price $368.00 Regular price $398.00 Unit price  per 

    Cookie Set


    Spring is in full swing. We take Pomona, the goddess of gardens and orchards in myth as the concept. Bringing the shapes of plants and aromas of natural herbs and floral into desserts to create a cookie gift box with six flavours of herbal-themed cookies accentuates a sense of freshness and fragrance.

    禮盒內容 Contents
    艾草黑糖曲奇 Mugwort Brown Sugar Cookie
    山椒檸檬曲奇 Japanese Pepper Lemon Cookie
    紅豆香草曲奇 Red Bean Vanilla Cookie
    楓糖接骨木花曲奇 Maple Sugar Elderflower Cookie
    薰衣草藍莓曲奇 Lavender Blueberry Cookie
    紫蘇梅子曲奇 Perilla Plum Cookie

    一盒 6 款口味 • 共 30 件獨立包裝

  • 過敏成分 ALLERGENS
  • 產品含有蛋類、奶類、大豆、堅果及麩質的穀類及其製品。
    The product may contain eggs, dairy, soya, nuts and gluten products.
    No preservatives, artificial colors and flavors.

  • 曲奇存放 STORAGE
  • 把常溫蛋糕存放於陰涼地方,避免放進雪櫃 / 冰箱,以免失去水份。
    請於購買後 15 天內食用完畢,以確保新鮮。
    Store at room temperature in cold and dry places.
    Best consumed within 15 days.

  • 自取及送貨 PICK UP & DELIVERY
  • 工作室自取 Pick Up
    香港工業中心 A 座 11 樓 A9-1 室 ( 只限預約 )
    荔枝角站 C 岀囗步行 1 分鐘
    星期一至六 12:00 - 19:00
    星期日 12:00 - 18:00

    送貨 Delivery
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